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Online Loan Exit Counseling
Welcome to UMMC Online Loan Exit Counseling sessions provided through We are happy to offer these sessions as a convenient method for satisfying the federal requirements regarding loan exit counseling.
In these sessions, you will receive information about your student loan repayment under the Direct Student Loan Program, Health Professions (HPSL & NSL), and/or McKinstry Loan Programs. This information includes:
- Your rights and responsibilities as a student loan borrower.
- Your options for repaying your student loans.
- Useful financial planning tools to help you manage your student loan repayments.
Important: All students should review information about the potential benefits of Student Loan Consolidation.
Information needed to begin exit counseling session(s)
During the counseling session, we will ask you to provide specific information about your loans so we can customize your counseling session to fit your needs. Please make sure that you have the information listed below before you begin, so you will be able to complete the counseling in one session.
- Social Security number
- Driver's license number
- Name, address, phone number for next of kin
- Name, address, phone number of two references at different addresses whom the lender could contact if they should lose contact with you
- Name, address, phone number of your expected employer
- Name of guaranty agency who guaranteed your student loans (contact your lender if you need assistance)
- Name of your lender
Your school is required to obtain the following information
- Expected employer
- Next of kin - a family member who can readily be contacted
- References
- Expected permanent address
Personal counseling and written materials on debt management and other financial planning concerns are available upon request by emailing our Office of Student Financial Services or calling (601) 984-1117.
- Exit Counseling for Federal Direct (Stafford and Grad PLUS) loans
If you should have any problems with the above website, call (601) 984-1117. - Exit Counseling for all Institutional loans, Federal Campus-Based Loans, and Service Scholarships must be completed through Heartland ECSI. You will be emailed a link for completion at the appropriate time.